Welcome to Olive Tree Holistic Care - A Christian Counseling and Caring Ministry
我們和他們的故事 Our and their stories
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- 單身團契最新精彩:「峰回路轉的人生故事」 訪談節目 &「愛情如何尋-聽聽他們的故事」
- 角聲清晨牧養
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然而,禱告更重要!- 收集的很美禱告詞
It is very hard to find professionals like Joanne, who has the experience, intuition, and passion to work with me in developing coping skills for the stress in my life. To that end, she helped me to refocus my priorities in life and strengthen my social network with positive influences. Ultimately, returning to God helped me to swallow my pride, and Joanne was a key part of that process. 很難找到像Joanne這樣的專業人士......她幫助我重新聚焦生活的優先次序(更多受助者的話 More words from our clients ...)
至於我,就像神殿中的青橄欖樹。我永永遠遠倚靠神的慈愛。 – 詩篇 52:8